Friday, September 4, 2020

History of India free essay sample

Bimbisara established the line by crushing the Brihadrathas. 37 9 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bimbisara was a contemporary of Buddha. Magadha turned into a preeminent force in North India under Ajatasatru. So Ajatasatru is considered as the author of Magadhan Supremacy. Pataliputra and Rajagriha were the capitals of Magadhan realm. Magadha falls in the Patna area of Bihar. Haryankas were toppled by Sisunaga and he established the Sisunaga line there. Kalasoka the child and replacement of Sisunaga was prevailing by Mahapadma Nanda and he established the Nanda line. Ajatasatru’s replacement Udayin was the originator of the city of Pataliputra. Alexander passed on of Malaria at 33 years old in 323 BC while he was in Babylon. Alexander was incinerated at Alexandria. Alexander was known as Shehansha in Persia and Sikhandar-I-Asam in Indo-Pak district. The Last broad of Alexander in India was Eudamas. Alexander’s first General in Quite a while was Selucus Nikator. Alexander IV succeeded Al exander as the Masedonian King. Alexander’s educator Aristotle is considered as the dad of Politics, Biology, Taxonomy and the Science of Logic. ? ? ? ? ? ? Persian Invasion ? The Achaemenian lord of Persia, Darius (522 486 BC) caught a few regions the east of Sindhu in 518 BC. The Persian control over An indian area kept going upto 330 BC. Xerxes was the persian ruler who enrolled Indians in his military. The Kharoshti content was brought to India by Persians. Mauryan Empire (321-185 BC) ? ? Significant hotspots for the investigation of Mauryan Empire are the Arthasastra of Kautilya and Indika of Megasthenes. Chandragupta Maurya was the originator of Mauryan Empire. Insights regarding his initial life are not accessible He is accepted to have had a place with Moriya Clan, thus got the name Maurya. It is additionally said that his mom was Mura a ladies of lower birth henceforth got the name Maurya. In certain writings he is alluded to as Vrishala and Kulahina. He schemed with Chanakya (Kautilya or Vishnugupta) the clergyman of Nanda to ousted the last Nanda ruler DhanaNanda. Chandragupta Maurya rose the seat in BC 321. He battled against Selucus in 305 BC. Selucus gave up before him and sent an envoy, Megasthenese to the court of Chandragupta Maurya. Chandragupta’s Governor Pushygupta built the acclaimed Sudarshana lake. ChandraGupta Maurya was changed over to Jainism, renounced the seat for his child Bindusara, spent his last days at ? ? ? ? ? Alexander’s Invasion ? ? Alexander was conceived in 356 BC as the child of King Philip II of Mascedonia. Epirus or Olympias was Alexanders mother. Aristotle was Alexander’s educator. He turned into the lord in 336 BC He crushed the Persian ruler Darius III. Alexander established the city of Alexandria in Egypt In 326 BC Alexander vanquished Porus (Purushothama) the leader of Punjab and Captured Taxila through the clash of Hydaspes on the banks of stream Jhelum. Ambhi the leader of Taxila welcomed Alexander to India. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 38 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Sravanabelagola (Near Mysore) where he kicked the bucket in 298 BC. Chandragupa Maurya was answerable for the political unification of North India just because. Bindusara was a supporter of Ajivika faction. Bindusara was known as Amitragatha. Ashoka rose the seat in 273BC and controlled upto 232 BC. He was known as ‘Devanampriya priyadarsi the lovely one who was the darling of Gods. Maski and Gujara Edicts of Ashoka gave the name Devanampriya Priyadarsi. Buddhist convention says Ashoka murdered 99 of his siblings to catch the seat. Ashoka was the principal lord in Indian history who had left his records engraved on stones. Ashokan engravings were written in Kharoshti and Brahmi contents. Ashoka battled the Kalinga war in 261 BC Kalinga is in present day Orissa. Ashokan engravings were deciphered by James Princep. After the clash of Kalinga Ashoka turned into a Buddhist, being stunned by the revulsions of the war. Ashoka was started to Buddhism by Upagupta or Nigrodha a follower of Buddha. For the proliferation of Buddhism Ashoka began the organization of Dharmamahamatras. The IV Major Rock Edict of Ashoka tells about the act of Dharma The Major Rock Edict XII of Ahoka manages the success of Kalinga. Ashoka held the third Buddhist board at his capital Pataliputra in 250BC under the presidentship of Moggaliputa Tissa. He sent his child and girl to Sri Lanka for the spread of Buddhism (Mahendra and Sanghamitra) Ashoka spread Buddhism to SriLanka and Nepal. He is known as the Constantine of Buddhism. In his Kalinga Edict he makes reference to ‘‘All man are as my children’’. Ceylones ruler Devanmpriya Tissa was Ashoka’s first proselyte to Buddhism. Ashoka managed for a long time and kicked the bucket in 232 BC. The seal of the Indian Republic has been ? ? ? ? received from the four lion capital of one of Ashokas columns which is situated in Saranath. Rock-cut engineering in India made a start during Ashoka’s rule. Brihadratha the last Mauryan ruler was executed by Pushyamitra Sunga who established the Sunga Dynasty in 185 BC. Megasthenese the main outside explorer to India makes reference to about the presence of seven stations in India during the Mauryan time frame. Stanika in Mauryan organization alludes to burden gatherer. Post Mauryan Period Sunga Dynasty (185-71 BC) ? Sunga Dynasty was established by Pushyamitra Sunga the president of last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha. ? Kalidasa’s show Malavikagnimitram is about the romantic tale of Pushyamitra’s child Agnimitra and Malavika. Last ling of sunga tradition was Devabhuti. Kanva Dynasty (72 BC 27 BC) ? Kanva administration was established by Vasudeva Kanva in 72 BC subsequent to crushing the last Sunga ruler Devabhuti. This administration governed for a time of 45 years. Vasudeva, Bhumimitra, Narayana and Susuman were the leaders of Kanva line. ? ? Cheta (Che ti) Dynasty of Kalinga ? The Cheti Dynasty was accepted to have established by Maha Meghavahana The Hatigumbha engraving of Kharavela, of the ? Significant Mauryan Officers Samaharta . Authority of Revenue Sannidata .. Head of Treasury Dandapala Head of Police Durga Pala . Head of Royal Fort Pradeshikas . Head of District Administration Prashasti .. Head of Prisons 38 1 Kalinga ruler gives insights concerning the Chedis of Kalinga. ? Alauddin Khilji) ? Kharavela was an adherent of Jainism. Indo-Greeks were the first to present military governorship in Quite a while. Satavahanas (235 BC 100BC) ? The Parthians (19 45 AD) ? Satavahanas were the most remarkable decision line after the Mauryas. Satavahanas were otherwise called Andhras. Satavahanas were the Indian rulers who prefixed their mother’s name alongside their names. Most significant Satavahana ruler was Gautamiputra Satakarni. Satavahanas were Brahmanas. Nagarjuna Konda and Amaravati in Andhrapradesh became significant seats of Buddhist culture under the Satavahanas. The two normal structures of Satavahanas were the sanctuary called Chaitya and the cloister called Vihara. Satavahanas for the most part gave lead coins. The official language of the Satavahanas was Prakrit Parthians otherwise called Pahalavas were Iranian People. Gondophernes was the best of the Parthian rulers. St. Thomas is said to have came to India for the proliferation of Christianity during the time of Gondophernes. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The Sakas (90 BC Ist AD) ? ? Sakas were otherwise called Scythians. The first Saka lord in Quite a while was Maues or Moga who set up Saka power in Gandhara. The most well known of the Saka rulers in Western India was Rudra Daman I. His accomplishments are featured in his Junagarh engraving written in 150 AD. Junagarh engraving of Rudradaman was the primary engraving in Sanskrit. Ujjayini was the capital of Rudradaman. ? ? ? ? ? Indo Greeks ? ? First to attack India were the Greeks who were called Indo-Greeks. The most well known Indo-Greek ruler was Menander with his Capital at Sakala in Punjab (Modern Sialkot) The Indo-Greeks were the first to give gold coins in Quite a while. The presentation of Hellenistic workmanship highlights into India were likewise the commitment of Indo-Greek guideline. Menander was changed over into a Buddhist by Buddhist priest Nagasena (Nagarjuna) Indo-Greeks were the first to give coins bearing the figure of rulers. Demitrius, the lord of Bacteria attacked India about 190BC. He is considered as Second Alexander (But the Indian ruler who acknowledged the name second Alexander (Sikandar-I-sani) was Kushans ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Kushans are otherwise called Yuch-chis or Tocharians. Kushans came to India from North Central Asia. First extraordinary Kushana ruler was Kujala Kadphises or Kadphises I. The most popular Kushana ruler was Kanishka. He turned into the ruler in 78 AD and began Saka Era in 78 AD. The Capital of Kanishka was Peshawar or Kanishka Purushapura. Kanishka met the fourth Buddhist gathering in Kashmir. 38 2 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Researchers like, Parsva, Vasumitra, Ashvaghosha, Charaka and Nagarjuna were the squires of Kanishka. The Gandhara School of Art got regal support under the Kushans. Kanishka disparaged Mahayana type of Buddhism. Kanishka is righty called the ‘Second Ashoka’ Kanishka was the main ruler who engraved the picture of Lord Buddha on his coins. Kanishka began the Saka time in 78 AD. The primary month of Saka time is Chaithra and the most recent month is Phalguna. Vasudeva was the last incredible ruler of Kushana Dynasty. Kushana school of craftsmanship is likewise alluded to as the Mathura school. ? ? Sanskrit was the court language of the Guptas. India became ‘‘Greater India’’ under Samudra Gupta. Samudra Gupta was a practiced Veena player. Chandragupta II the best of Gupta rulers was prevalently known as Vikramaditya. ? ? Truly Important Places Ayodhya Birth spot of Sri Rama (UP) Amber Palace Rajasthan Aghakhan Palace Pune (Maharashtra) (Gandhi and Kasturba were kept in jail here) Kedarnath Holy spot of Hindus (Utharanchal) Amarnath Pilgrim focus (Kashmir)